So you have upgraded a web application from .NET 2.0 to .NET 4.0 or higher and now you are getting errors that say there is a potentially dangerous request.:
And you specifically allow <> tags in your control by setting the ValidateRequest=”false” on the page? Well this would be because a change in .NET 4.0 makes it so this settings isn’t enough. Now you have to add the following to the web.config to revert Request Validation back to 2.0:
Remember not to duplicate your tags. If you want to do this just for a specific page you can also do this:
Remember though, that if you disable Request Validation, you should have some other means programmed in to validate the incoming data.
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...
So here is kind of a weird situation. You create your first Cordova application in Visual Studio 2015, hurrah! Naturally, you may be using TFS. You have your...
One common problem with WebAPI is when you have cross domain requests coming in and the browser will reject the request since the server does not send the ap...
Mirroring allows you to send your screen and audio to the TV. We have used this for a few reasons. Sometimes my kids like to watch me play a few games so we ...